Integrate DropBox in Android Application

Uses Of DropBox                                                                                                                         
•You can use dropbox as virtual pen-drive.
•You can store your movies, photos, music etc.. on dropbox server and you can download it from anywhere and any time. For all this you just need is internet and dropbox account.

Uses Of Android                                                                                                                           
•Google's Android operating system is an open-source platform that's currently available on a wide variety of smartphones and tablet computers.     
oAndroid has its advantages -- it's highly customizable.
oAndroid is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.
oWe can integrate social sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.. same way we can integrate DropBox with Android.

Benefit by integrating DropBox with Android.                                                                          
Now it is possible to integrate dropbox with android smartphones.
So, you doesn't need to go to the computers to download photos or music from dropbox, you can directly access your dropbox from your android phone.
How to integrate DropBox with Android Application.                                        
Before you start developing with the API, you'll need to create an app on the My Apps page. Your app name should be the same as your product name or the name you use to market your app.
Download dropbox sdk for android from here.
Import it as android project in eclipse(see figure1).
• Select “existing projects into workspace” from “General” folder(see figure2.)

 • Select dropbox project from where you unzip it.(see figure3).

• Now, open your AndroidManifest.xml file and put your app secret key instead of “CHANGE ME”. 


            <!-- Change this to be db- followed by your app key -->
            <data android:scheme="db-CHANGE ME(put your app secret key)" />
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />               
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

• Now build and run your app.Click on Link to dropbox button, it will navigate you to dropbox  login page. After successful login it will  redirect to your app.
Now you can capture photo and upload it to dropbox using Take a photo button.
You can download photo from dropbox using Download Image button.

Conclusion: So geeks, your integration of Android and Dropbox is done.


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