Tips on submitting your first iPhone application

Hurray! Here is one more article for the iPhone developmentbeginners!

>  Firstly, make sure that the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) is downloaded at your computer without any errors.
>  The App store currently supports some 7 different languages. So, localizing your app for these languages may increase your market.
>  Whenever possible, do compile your app using Version 2.0 too.
>  Always add a loading screen to your app. Name the image Default.png so that it becomes visually more appealing and effective.
>  When you receive email titled “Your application status is ready for sale”, go straight to your iTunes Connect and edit your applications’ date of availability for the app.
>  Carefully follow the instructions on iPhone Dev Center – Apple Developer Connection.
>  Be choosy in selecting the name of your application. It should never be trademarked.
>  Do not forget to acquire the certificates of the Foreign Status, if you are a non-US developer.


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